OCS@Work - This Issue
Modernisation and Transformation
The Force, Salesforce
Technology and Academic Journals
Client Experiences: Fintech & Charity
OCS Cash Management Solutions
Autumn 2017
Let the Force be with You!
Our clients, take us to galaxies we have not visited before.
Being focussed on delivering trusted and quality services to our clients we move to where we need to be in terms of expertise and since our last newsletter we are happy to report a new addition to our skills and services with the launch of our Salesforce Developer Services.

Led by one of our largest clients we have invested in train-ing staff familiar with our cli-ent’s systems and business so that we are able to deliver Salesforce technical services to them.
This provides the benefit of being able to use trusted consultants who are experienced with the clients business and process to work on new technologies.
This is a perfect example of where OCS adapts to the changing services sought by our clients.
Discover Salesforce with OCS
Modernisation and Transformation
As we head into autumn, we find ourselves pulling out warm jumpers and preparing for the clocks going back with dark mornings and evenings and of course the festive season. October is a month of transformation. The leaves change colour and the chill in the air returns.
It has been a while since our last newsletter, but as you read on it becomes clear that we have not been idly resting during the summer. Indeed we will not be going into winter hibernation, far from it. We are pleased to say that we have been extremely busy across all of our offices, working on modernisation and transformation projects as well as our business as usual activities.
It has certainly been an interesting year so far for OCS Consulting. As you know, being client centric means we are happy to invest in matching the needs of our clients, sometimes howeVer, this leads to changes at OCS and these last few months have really started to take us in a new direction. Modernisation!
With new projects, developments and internal training in Cloud technologies such as Azure, AWS and Salesforce. We have new investment in our speciality areas of Cash Management, Publishing and Lifesciences and greater geo-graphic diversification in Switzerland (www.ocs -consulting.ch).
It is starting to feel rather modern around here.
Of course some things won’t change as some of our staff are hitting 25 years’ service with the company, including me. Namely, you will still always be able to count on the same level of commitment and effort even from the modern OCS.
Investing in our clients, being in a position to support our clients, showing commitment to our clients. This is what OCS is about, what makes OCS different and why our contacts and clients come back year after year.
Finally, thank you again for your continued support of OCS over the year.
I hope you enjoy finding out what we have been up to. If there is anything of interest or a problem you need solving please do get in touch.
All the best,

Maurice Aroesti
Group Chief Executive
Client Experiences - OCS The IT Partner of Choice
When Charity Begins at Home
It can be difficult to separate modern from legacy technology. One such area often emerges as part of transformation programs. An example came up recently as a client moved its Microsoft estate into the Cloud. This leading charity has many pressures of their own. Their main focus understanda-bly is providing much needed support to their community. However, when looking to upgrade their SharePoint system to the Cloud, the realisation that the solution had been neglected for some time highlighted the need for a partner who could offer an all-round package. This included looking after and improving the current system, assisting in the migration and providing support services. Of course this mix of activities fits perfectly into OCS’ managed support service line of business.
OCS were delighted to be appointed by the Charity to provide a SharePoint managed service con-tract. Our consultants have been there at every stage to help with on and off-site flexible sup-port services. This has meant, revitalising their systems to meet the modern challenges a Charity of their standing has in today’s world. With Microsoft SharePoint entering the mature phase of its development and evolution, the technology fits perfectly into OCS’ stable of modern/legacy technology expertise. Learn more about OCS’ SharePoint and Managed Services.
Sometimes people we know take us in an unexpected direction. A recent example has taken us into the world of investment banking through our first project with a ‘Fintech’ client. This startup organisation is building solutions to help investors access the Electronic Traded Funds (ETF) market by providing simple to use access based on investment criteria.

Several internal projects including the integration with Morningstar data has finally resulted in a market ETF selection system available on a well-known trading platform (as advertised in the FT) allowing investors to select and buy ETF’s. Not only OCS’ first ‘Fintech’ client but also we were able to deliver our first stand-alone Azure solution fusing a combination of Microsoft Visual Studio, Azure Webjobs, Bootstrap and HTML5 technology.
Using Technology to reform Academic Journals
OCS has been working with an international publishing house for nearly 10 years delivering Academic Publishing Portals, delivery of digitised content, access to subscription and payment gateways, Java project development, and Managed Services support.

These services have allowed our client to continue to deliver its journals in more flexible and efficient ways and in turn this ensures their readers needs are met. From accessing relevant research information with speed and accuracy, to having an intuitive and flexible access that’s straight-forward and easy to navigate using the latest technology.
Being a staff based organisation, business and technology knowledge is retained and this allows OCS to add value to similar companies. We are now delight-ed to be working with a new global specialist publishing house that have recently appoint-ed our team to deliver a challenging cross-platform solution. Our consultants are currently working with stakeholders and board members on all aspects of solution design.
OCS Cash Management Solutions
Not only have we been helping clients to modernise and transform, but we have also spent the sum-mer looking at ourselves and in particular, a fast moving part of our business which specialises in Cash Automation solutions. For over 10 years, OCS have been working closely with an International Cash business delivering cash automation solutions across the globe and with over 400 sites, covering retail, hospitality, transport and others, it was time to modernise. A thorough review of capabilities has led to the redefining of our services which are presented on our new www.ocs-cashmanagement.com site and the creation of a product development roadmap which includes the development of operational management, point of sale solutions and analytics products.